The Nissui Group reviewed its material issues in line with its long-term vision and mission in FY2023. For each of the reviewed material issues, corresponding subcommittees have been set up to work on them, and through repeated dialogue with stakeholders, we will promote Group-wide activities and aim to deepen our sustainability management.
To meet diverse social needs and demands, societal issues were identified from sources such as the SDGs and sustainability disclosure guidelines, ESG evaluation criteria, regulatory and administrative requirements, and the content of stakeholder engagement. The Nissui Group listed potential material issues based on risk and opportunity analyses conducted in its business domains and in all departments, as well as the results of executive workshops.
A meeting of the Sustainability Committee was held to discuss the sustainability of the Nissui Group's business model. The Committee reviewed the list of material issue candidates to ensure that no items were missing.
Surveys were conducted among various internal and external stakeholders (employees, labor unions, overseas Group companies, NPOs/NGOs, academics, investors (shareholders), international organizations, government agencies, industry groups, business partners, and future generations) on the material issue candidates reviewed by the Sustainability Committee. The importance of these issues was assessed from two perspectives: their importance to stakeholders and their importance to the Nissui Group.
Based on the results of the importance evaluation, an executive workshop was held to finalize the material issue matrix and identify specific material issue candidates. In addition, Outside Directors conducted a review of the matrix and the material issue candidates.
Four external experts (investors, NGO representatives and academics) provided a validity evaluation of the material issue identification process and the final proposal.
Taking into account the opinions of external experts, the Sustainability Committee and the Executive Committee held several discussions, with the final material issue proposal deliberated at a meeting of the Sustainability Committee. Subsequently, the material issues to be addressed by the Nissui Group were determined by a resolution of the Board of Directors.