
Nissui Group Basic Procurement Policy

Nissui Group Basic Procurement Policy

The Nissui Group declares that it will appreciate the bounty of the earth and sea, and create diverse value through following the company’s “five genes”, carried forward since its foundation, and will try to solve social issues through the business activities covered in our Sustainability Action Declaration.
Based on that, the Nissui group developed its Nissui Group Basic Procurement Policy in order to meet the expectations of stakeholders, and to contribute to society when purchasing raw materials and products.
The Nissui Group is promoting procurement through relationships built on trust, with suppliers who understand and cooperate with this policy.

(1) Procurement Policy

  1. 1.Suppliers and partners shall be selectively chosen, taking quality, cost, delivery timing, and service into consideration.
  2. 2.Suppliers and partners shall be selectively chosen, taking quality, cost, delivery timing, and service into consideration.
  3. 3.Transactions shall be conducted with fair quality and price maintained by getting material safety data sheets and competitive quotes.
  4. 4.The Nissui Group shall promote cost reduction in a positive manner on the condition of safety assurances and quality improvement.

(2) Compliance, Procurement Ethics

  1. 1.The Nissui Group shall comply with laws and regulations of all relevant countries, including Japanese law and internal company rules.
  2. 2.The Nissui Group shall fulfill its contracts faithfully with suppliers and partners.
  3. 3.The Nissui Group shall understand the significance of information it obtains through transactions and preserve the confidentiality of such information.
  4. 4.The Nissui Group shall build relationships of trust with suppliers and partners through fair, open and transparent procedures.
  5. 5.Corrupt or dishonest behavior, including granting and/or receipt of inappropriate benefits, is entirely rejected by the Nissui Group.

(3) Awareness of Environmental Preservation

  1. 1.The Nissui Group shall promote purchasing of raw materials and products that take environmental preservation of the Earth and local regions into consideration.
  2. 2.The Nissui Group shall seek confirmation that the raw materials and products it purchases have been harvested or produced having regard to principles of sustainability, biodiversity and of preservation of ecosystems.
  3. 3.The Nissui Group shall purchase raw materials and products from suppliers that are conscious of cyclical usage of resources and energy.

(4) Respect for Human Rights

  1. 1.Suppliers are requested to provide raw materials and products that are not associated with forced labor, child labor or the inhuman treatment of employees.
  2. 2.The Nissui Group shall purchase raw materials and products provided by suppliers who ensure that their working environments respect employees’ freedom of association and are free from discrimination.
  3. 3.The Nissui Group shall purchase raw materials and products produced in safe and clean work environments.

(5) Collaboration with Suppliers and Partners

  1. 1.The Nissui Group shall promote close collaboration with suppliers as important business partners.
  2. 2.The Nissui Group shall ask suppliers and partners to acknowledge this policy and support and cooperate with the principles set out in this policy.
  3. 3.Various proposals by suppliers and partners are examined and seriously considered by the Nissui Group.
system, 株式会社ニッスイ サステナビリティ推進部, 外部協力者, 株式会社ニッスイ コーポレートコミュニケーション部, 株式会社ニッスイ 人事部人事課